Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Dear blog viewers,

                 This week I am going to present you with some facts about the Andromeda galaxy which I found on interesting facts.org in the science section. I have no idea what this was until I read it and so then I decided to share it with you so you could know a little about it! Enjoy!

                 The Andromeda galaxy is the closest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way. It is twice as big as the Milky Way! Trying to get there would take millions of years and even if we travel at the speed of light it would take two million years. Andrmeda and the Milky Way belong to the local group and that there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe.

                So that was a little about Andromeda and the Milky Way. I wish you learned a little about Andromeda and you thought it was cool! If you would like to know more than go to

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Dear blog viewers,

                    This week I shall present you with a little sneek peek about what Diwali is. You may like it or may not but you'll surely learn something about it! I hope you enjoy and learn from it.

                 To start off I'd like to tell you that Diwali is a indian holiday that comes once a year. Diwali is the day before the indian new year. Just like there's new year's eve Diwali is the indian form of new year's eve before the indian new year. There is no according date what day Diwali comes. Luckily this year Diwali came throughout the fall break so for the kids it was celebreted grandly.

                 Every Diwali we light up seven candles and and place them around the house. This year it was from Wednesday through Sunday. On Wednesday we wash some money to show that we respect the money. On Thursday we pray to all the gods. On Friday and Saturday we go to the temple to go and get offerings and then on Sunday we go to visit people and wish them a very happy new year! So that is what Diwali is!

                      So I hope you liked it and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do ask! If you would like to learn more about Diwali go to http://www.hindunet.org/festivals/deevali/articles/article02_01.htm