Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                     This week I will present to you some facts about facebook. I am pretty sure you all know what facebook is because in the current day almost everything relies on facebook. Shoping and grocery stores are all booked on it and the rest of the world including most children and teens are on it twenty- four seven.

                     Facebook was first invented by a harvord student named Mark Zukerbuirg. What we now call Facebook, facebook was first called TheFaceBook. Facebook at first was only avalible to kids that were at harvord but then soon it went through all the universities and reached here to eveyone chatting on facebook.

                   Facebook is not only used to chat with other people but also use it for sources like when we go on to facebook to check out a grocery store's facebook page. Most likely facebook is used to chatt with friends and family even acroos the woorl or next door to you. Facebook may not be important but when you think about it half the people live on it.

                  As in opinion it is a greaat place for people to communicate with you. I like facebook and also have an facebook account of my own. I think you should get a facebook account if you do not have one. It is a cool source. What you do think about facebook? Do you like it? You have a facebook account or nto? Tell me what you think about facebook.


                         If you would like to konw more about facebook look it up or youcan even go to or or

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                   This week I will present you with the planet Jupitar. Like I explained to you with Saturn that I am syre you know a little bit about Jupitar but I will tell you way more than you already know so stay ready to learn about jupitar.

                    Jupitar is named after the Roman god Zues in Germany. Jupitar is the fifth planet away from the sun and it is also a gas planet in which that is why it is entirely made of gas. Jupitars gravity is very strong. Anything that passes it, it pulls into its orbit. Also because it is so big you can see it without even using a teloscope.

                   Jupitar has 63 moons. Jupitar has the fastest spinning orbit in all of the solor system. Because of that one day on Jupitar lasts 10 hours. And Lastly Jupitar is the second brightest after Venus.  Did you knw evrything that I told you about Jupitar? Did I miss anything? Any quetions?


                       If you would like to know more about jupitar then please go to


Dear blog viewers,

                 This week I som,thing pretty interesting and cool. Can you believe a tiger and a lion equal a liger. Have you ever heard a liger. Looks preety interesting huh.........

             When a female tigera nd a man lion breed we get a liger the largest of all felines.  A liger is big like a lion but it has big teetha and stripes like a tiger.  A liger also weighs 700 pounds and up to 10 feet long. But ligers have been around since world war II but have gone into extinction or captivity. Ligers can also swim very well like tigers.

          Hmm how do I feel about a liger. I think a liger a is a preety cool animal to the fact it is part of a lion and a tiger making it more stronger that anything. What do you think about a liger? Do you think it is cool? Do you not like it? Tell me your opinion.


                         If you would like to know more about ligers please got to


Dear blog viewers,

                   This week I will present to you with how once there was life on mars. I am sure you know a little bit of it but not all so I will tell you  all.

                   Mars is the second planet away from the moon. It has the largest volcano and the largest canyon which is called Valles Marines which is 2,500 mlies long. Mars has 2 moons and it is believed to say that one of its moons Poblo will crash ito it and because of all the debris there might have been a formed ring around mars.

                    NASA has sent lots of missions onto mars but none have retrived any more information then what was already there. There once had been life on Mars and it was found from the lines that must show ice deposits and form the samles in 2004. They also say that because of some ancient living things still found thier. Do you think that life existed on mars? Why or why not?

                                    If you would like to know more about mars then do please go to


Dear blog viewers,

                             This week I shall present to you some information about moom bears.  have you ever heard of a moon bear? I am preety sure not so I will tell you all about them.

                            Moon bears are Aiastaic black beras which are called moon bears because of the cresent moon on thier chest. Thier weights vary from one hundred and ten pounds to four hundred fifty pounds.They are four to six feet tall and because of thier awesome claaws they are able to climb trees fast and also swim.

                           Moon bears usually live in the forest ranges from Pakistan to Japan. They also can sleep in trees and make dens to sleep in a cave.  The cool thing about a moon bear is that it can make frequent sounds like huff and puff to communicate.  What did you like to know about the moon bear? Did you think it was an interesting animal?


                  If you would like to know more about moon bears go to

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

               This week I will present to you with a little bit about Saturn. I am sure you know a little bit about the planets but not alot. So this week that is why I am only explaining to you more about Saturn. I surely wish you do Actually learn somthing from this.

              The density of Saturn is 0.687 grams per cubic centimeter. with that density I am sure Saturn can float on water if it wanted to. Saturn has 60 moons and lots of rings that fade away and form new ones. Saturn day is 10 hours and 25 minutes long unlike ours which is approxiemtly 24 hours. Saturn's revolution is 30 earth yers long.

              The diameter of Saturn is 120,000 miles 11 times the diameter of earth. Saturn is the sixth planet away from the sun and it is the second largest planet in the solar system. It is mostly made of gas in which that is why it is called a gas giant. Saturn was named after a roman god. Saturn is 980 million miles away from the sun.


                  If you have any questions about Saturn then do ask.  If you would like to know more go to


Dear blog viewers,

               This week I will present to you a little bit about toucans. I an sure you know a little bit about them but like I like to say always try to know morethan you already know soas you will leran more about toucans I will as well.

               A toucan is a brightly colored bird that usually is most commonly found in rain forests.  The toucan varies in many differnt sizes and briht colors. Some of the colors a toucan might come in are blue, red, yellow,orange, etc. and the sizes of 14 through 30 inches.  The cool feature of  the toucan is its long bill. The bill is not tough and strong but it helps find food and protect the toucan. The toucan hasfour big clawws. Two in the back and two in the front. The toucan is an omnivore. It eats friuts and plants butnit also feeds on insects. The toucan female usually lays 3 to 4 eggs.


                 Do you know something about toucans that I did not tell you please tell me! if you would like to know more about toucans then go to


Dear blog viewers,

                This week I will present you with some shocking news about women being banned from marathon. How did that happen? When did it happen? I will tell you all about it.

                 Okay when I was on the internet on Staurday morning looking for somthing to write about on my blog I came acroos a very tiny article that stated that once in America's history women were not alloweded to run marathon's.  Could that have been possible ? Oh yes! In 1926 women wre banned to running marathons because thay thought it caused infelity. Hmmm then why do women run in marathon's today? well in 1963 a women named Violet Percy ran a marathon to show that it was not true. But the cool part was that another women ran a maraothon in 1923 for 11 hours and 35 minutes.

               What do you think about this? Do you think it was fair of  them to ban women from running marathon's?  As to me I think not fair because we have the same ability to do whatever we can just like boys/men. If you would like to know more about this event then please go to


Dear blog viwers,

                    This week I will present you with carnivorous caterpillars.  We have always thought of  caterpillars as good insects but is it true that they are as bad as well. Well we will see about that!

                     There are many diffrent types of caterpillars in natyre but only one percent of the caterpillars are canivoruos. That is which a good thing for us. Many carnivoruos are meat eaters. But what exactly do they eat. They eat ants and spiders and many other insects. There are also those carnivorous caterpillars that first start off eating plants but then tthey switch to eating insects.  But how do they catch thier prey? Well they se certain smells and camoflaige to catch thier prey. These are also called killer caterpillars.


As in my opinion I don't like having carnivorous caterpillars here. I feel that we were good with just our loving little caterpillars that turned into butterflies. How do you feel about these carnivorous caterpillars? Do you they will affect our wold or harm it?  If you would like to know more informatiom about canivorous caterpillars then please go to

Monday, January 17, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                This week I will present to you with some information about a wolf spider.  I have never heard of it and I am sure you have not either so you will gte to know about them and so will I. Hope you like it!

                Wolf Spiders are the most common spider found easily in the gardens and homes. The wolf spiders got their name wolf spider because they catch prey the same way a wolf does. They do not make a web for themselves  but they instead decide to live underground. Some common characteristics of the wolf spider are that they are of about one to two inches of length, and they are quite brisk and rush quickly on the ground. as in the color the color of the male wolf  spider is darker than the female wolf spider. The wolf spiders have eight legs, eyes to look in front and two pairs of medium sized eyes placed on the top to see upwards and at the back of their eyes a disc is located that enables them to see at night. that is preety coll!

               When it comes to hunting for the wolf spiders either stalk their prey or attack them suddenly. They first learn of their prey through their movement on the ground or the buzzing of their wings and then they attack. A female spider carries almost hundred of eggs in a sac and exposes them to sunlight also. When the eggs hatch the spider lings catch a hair on the mother's body and stay this way for a week and then disperse.
                That was a little info about wolf spiders. But if you would like to know more go to


Dear blog viwers,

                    Today I have somthing special for you. Have you ever heard of a coelacanth fish. It is one of the most unique fishes in the world. Well I am sure you will like it.  Its somthing i am sure you have never heard of.

                     The Coelacanth is one of the most interesting types of fish in the world. This fish comes from how this fish was believed to have been extinct for a long period of time. The history of the fish is very strong and over the years. The Coelacanth is unique in that it was discovered in the twentieth century despite how it was though was  to be extinct. In the late 1900's people in Africa were catching fish with a net when they dicovered this fish that they never knew of. So they took in to the museum and figured that this matched the remains of a coelacanth and that now it had been rediscovered.

                   The physical build of this fish makes it very unique. The vertebral column on the fish is not completely developed and it also has paired lobed fins that move like human limbs and an additional lobe on its tail. This helps for the fish to do what a standard fish cannot do. But, it is actually the intercranial joint on the fish that makes it unique. This joint is one that separates the ear and brain from the fish's eyes and nasal organs. This works to allow the fish to lift its head up when swimming or feeding. More like us humans! The Coelacanth can grow to become 2m long and 100kg in weight.

                     If you would like to learn more please go to


Dear blog viewers,

                     I am very sure you are reguraly familiar with earthquakes.  With all this happening i still wanted to tell you more than you know. Every time you hear about the earthquake you just think oh the earth shaked. Incorrect there is alot more to it.

                    Earthquakes are the nature's most dangerous.  Earthquakes can hit any place, at any time and at any extreme level. There is no way we as humans can do anything about that because they is no sign to figure like there is for a sunami or somtimes a volcano. We just nedd to study and research harder to find out all we can. An earthquake is caused by due to movement of tectonic plates below the Earth's crust. When they are pushed, pulled or jostled against each other and when the pressure of this movement becomes unbearable the rocks crack and shifts and the waves of energy produced is an earthquake.

                   The most sensitive zone is Alaska. An earthquake hits at least eight times a year. Another place where earthquakes hit often is in the pacific ocean becauseof the volcanic activity. Earthquakes are not based on weather but are ususally 60 seconds long.  there are also moonquakes  related to the moon on earth but those don't take place very often.

                 That was a little bit abotu earthquakes. If you would like to know more go to


Dear blog viwers,

              This week I am going to give you a little knowledge about magnesium. After you read this article sure do comment back telling me a little bit about magnesium that my blog post didn't state.

              Can you believe that magnesium is a required mineral for your health?  Well  now you know.  Magnesium is found in diffrent parts of our body.  Half of the magnesium that goes into our body is in cell and tissues, and the other half is in other parts of our body's framework having only very little in our blood.   As a saying we eat lots of junk each day but none of that includes magnesium.  You need to eat green vegatables to get magnesium into your body.

                Magnesium also causes for chrilden's concetration level to go up.  Those were all the good caues but magnesium may also cause trouble.  Magnesium intake may also suffer kidney failure, musle weaknesses, cramps,etc.

               So I wish you liked learning about magnesium and you have any questions ask by commenting. If you want to learn more about magnesium go to

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

           This week I will present to you  a litle bit about tornado's. I'm sure you've heard of them but I will still give you some information about them.

A tornado is a very violent storm in other words known as a twister that brings destruction to people and land/property. Tornadoes mostly likely  hit the United States of America more than any other country, although they might come anytime and anywhere. the tormando season is usually between March and May. The tornado can have very high speed winds.  The speed and size of the tornado can vary to any extent.  Tornadoes usaully give signs like grayish skies, weird sounds, etc. Tornadoes and thunderstorms usually come together making it even worse. The main reason of a tornado occuring is when a tornado is meeting the warm air that rises up the ground with the cool air that rushes down to descend. A tornado will rotate either in clockwise or anticlockwise. The strength of a tornado is so strong that it can uproot trees, blow the roofs of the buildings or even crumple down buildings to ashes. See tornadoes are very dangerous. If you see one hide in ditch. What would you do if you saw a tornado coming?

If you would like to know more go to


Dear blog viewers,

              Do you have any goals for the year. Well I have a lot. I have 12; one for each month. Let me list them for you.

GOAL 1: Be a one bouncer in racquetball.
When I say I want to be a one bouncer in racquetball I mean once the ball comes off the wall I want to hit it in one bounce aganisnt my other opponent.

GOAL 2: Learn the stroke butterfly and become better at my other strokes.
 I want to learn butterfly which is an swimming stroke and be better at my other strokes because then I can take place in contests and practice makes perfect.

GOAL 3: Get into math honors in seventh grade.

      I want to go to math honors next year because as I get older the compatition in college and high school and I want to get good grades to  be someone in life.

GOAL 4: Get all A honor rolls for the rest or the year into seventh grade.

         I want to do that because that will help me in the future. In honors and other problems.

GOAL 5: Get my braces done.

I want to get my braces done because they will make my teeth straight and fixed up.

GOAL 6: Finish the last Harry Potter.

I want to finish the last Hary Potter series because  I love all the Harry Potter series and they are long so if I finish them all I will be proud.
GOAL 7: Go to Disneyland in April.

I have always wanted to go to disneyland and explore the world of fantsies and luckily I will! I 'm going to Disney in April.
GOAL 8: Learn gymnastics.

 I want to learn gymnastics because that will make me more flexible and will help me alot in dance.

GOAL 9: Do a dance in my cousin brother's wedding. 

My cousin brother always wanted for me to do a dance in his wedding because I'm a great dancer and so I will.
GOAL 10: Babysit my little baby cousin peanut.

My baby cousin will be born in March and so I want to prove myself responsible enough to babysit him.

GOAL 11: Get a good score on my NJASK in May.

 I want to get a good score because that will help for honors and more advancments in the future.

GOAL 12: Visit my aunt in Ohio.

My favorite aunt has always een the on e in Ohio and so I want to give her a surprise that I'm here.

                What are your goals for the New Year? Are yours similar or different from mine? Comment back!


Dear blog viewers,

                       This week I came across a serious matter on our enviorment. Did you know some of our technology is controlled by poop.

                      In our world today almost everything runs on electricity. Things like exercising, cooking, lighting, etc. If we just saved a little we would be fine. As an example everyday google uses more than than an 11 watt in an hour. But it is trying to save. Google is trying to save energy by devopling acooling method which is good.

                       But HP is way overboard. HP plans how they will use manure of cows to power their data centres.  This manure  will be used from midsized dairy farms. Electricity will be taken from it. The heat that is derived from this process will be used to power the turbines of the data centers cooling system and the electricity that is derived from this process will be used to power the data center. Not only  does on save power use by the data centers but also the dairy farm. HP using this manure to produce electricity will greatly improve the environment as it gets rid of this pollutant. I think this is a great way to help our world be a better place to live! Also comment telling me about your opinion about what you think about this new energy saver.

                                     If you would like to leran more then go to