Thursday, April 28, 2011

Special blog post: story

                  I sat in the brown woody  old desk dragging my chair into my desk.It was already halfway through second period when I was doodling off into space as Mr. Vanpelt was teaching us about explanatory prompts because of the NJ ASK coming up when I heard the loud speaker go, "May you please send Hemani Patel to the principle." My teacher, my classmates and I were shocked to here that. I had not known what I had done. Anyways I am not one of those people who get in trouble very often. As I exited Mr.Vanpelt's room my heart ponded faster and faster as the nearer I got to the principles office. All these questions started popping in my mind. What was going to happen now?

                      As I entered through the doors of the principles office as felt as if I was going to pass out. Then I heard Mr. Crouse say, " Welcome Hemani!"

                  "Hello," I replied.  I nervously and quietly listened to what Mr.Crouse  had to say to me. By the end of his converstation I was crying with tears leaking down my eyes While I barely pushed out the words" I did not do it!" The problem was that someone had gotten on to my studyisland account and wrote bad words to my teacher which made them think it was mean. Those bad words were enogh to get me a 5 day suspension.

              That night when I got home my parents had asked me if I had really done that and i said no and it was true I had not. Why would I do such a thing. Mr. Vanpelt was one of my faorite teachers. So the next day I was called down again and this time they asked me if I had done it who I think could have done it. But I know noone would do that so I just said I did not go. I went to detention for one day and then the next day they figured out that I was not the one who sent that email. It was this girl that I shall not mention.

              I was relieved.I knew it was not me and I proved to my techers I was trustworhty and I would do no such thing. So then everything went on fine and the gilr who did that was suspened for 5 days and had detention and in school suspension for 10 days. So that was a time that I had to go to the prinnciples office.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Black Holes

Dear blog viewers,

                                      THis week I will tell you about black holes in our galaxy and our solsar system.
When the star ten times more massive than our own Sun, explodes (Supernova) it leaves behind the strangest phenomenon in the Universe.What could it be? Of cousre the black hole. After the explosion what is left behind is heavy core of subatomic particles,or in other words a Neutron Star. Well what is a nuetron star? Nuetron star is a very little star with an enormous density. Its interesting that one teaspoon of the NUetron star could weigh around billions of tons.


                            In space everything is time and Space. The upsetting things are that the black holes are pulling everything around them closer to the center of the hole. It makes sense that the black holes are creators of the galaxies since they are pulling planets and stars towards the spiral center. Each galaxy has a Black Hole and occasionally galaxies collide together because of the gravitational pull from the larger black holes. It is expected that in 5 billion years Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky Way galaxy. Lucily I on the other hand will not be aliive when that happens. What do you think about black holes. Do you like them or not? If you want to know more about black holes then go to

Praying Mantis vs. Humans

Dear blog viewers,
                               This week I will describe to you some similarities and diffrences between us and a praying mantis. But before that I will tell you a little about a Praying Mantis. A Praying Mantis is a master of disguise whicch helps him hide or camaphlouge from his prey or his predator. AS praying Mntis is also carnivorous insect with a very colorful appetite.One interesting fact about a Praying Mantis is that they can turn thier heads up to 180 degrees in search for an insect.  They can do that because they have a triangular shaped head.  A Praying mantis has excellent eye sight and can see up to 18 meters (60 feet) away. Isnt't that alot! Their average lifespan is around 12 months or in other words a year.

                              Some of the diffrences between a Praying Mantis and us humans are a Praying Mantis can disquise itself to find its prey but we on the other hand as large as we are can not. Another diffrence is that we can not turn our heads 180 degrees just like the  Praying Mantis. We can only turn our heads 90 degrees. Also a Praying Mantis can only see up to 60 feet. We can see up to way more than that. And lasty, a Prayig Mantis's lifespan is only 12months or a year but our lifespan is about between 70 - 80 years. One similarity between a Parying Mantis and us is that many of us are meat eaters or carnivores and so are Praing Mantis's. Those were some facts and similarities and diffrences between us and a Praying Mantis.
If you would like to know more about a Praying Mantis then please go to

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Dear blog viewers,
                                   This week I will tell you about these unknown creatures known as earwigs. I was very shocked when I came across hti s creature because of the fact that the creature is not a very common creature to be familiar with. Earwigs are very small creatures. As you might wonder why were they called earwigs. Well they were called earwigs because back then it was believed that they climbed into people's ears and then they layed their eggs or tunnel into the brain. but soon enough it was researched and proven that t, that fact was not true. Earwigs did climb into your ears but instead erawigs like to dig tunnels and live many feet undergorungb to avoid the cold weather.

                                   Now I will tell you about some of the  intstincts of the Earwigs. Earwigs have two penises also known most likely as two tentacles.Usually tentacles are not very long but it seems that an earwigs peises are bigger than itsbody. But it gets eeven better. An earwig does not need both of its tentacles so they can snap them off. What do you think of a earwig? Have you ever seen on? Did you know about an earwig before I told you? If you want to know more about earwigs then go to

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Test and Cheaters

Dear blog viewers,

                                     This week I am going to tell about how president Obama says that tests make school boring. Just like president Obama says it is true that tests do make school boring. And as one of the affects cheaters come along. Cheaters cheat because of thier fear of getting a bad grade on a test. by cheating cheaters only cheat themselves because of no learning anything and cheating. If you scrool down you will see mine and many of my fellow classmates responses to both thse articles. If you want to know more about both of the articles then go to and Tell me about your opinion about these articles. What do you think? 

Me - I agree with this article because as this article states it is true that many kids think they do better when they cheat because they get a good grade. But actually they do not learn anything. Also cheating just makes you more tempted to not try to do things on your own because you trust others anwsers to get you good grades.

Erin S. - I agree that cheating is wrong. Teachers can't stop what happens at home when they see the answers to a homework or test because one kid was absent when they took the test or missed homework. Teachers can stop it in class i have seen it happen. It is true when it says that your only hurting yourself because if you don't know the information how do you know it wont show up on another test or pop quiz. heating is wrong.

Rishika P. - Honestly, I am very surprised that research had to be done for some people to understand this reality of life. For all those scientific people, follow cause and effect! If you cheat, you are cheating yourself by not feeding your brain with the information it needs! You are simply taking the answers for the grade. When people expect you to be a person of good education, they will hire you into a reputed company. At that job, you will try to keep up at a level you are NOT at because you decided to cheat and not understand. Just like the saying says, "Give a man a fish and more...

Sara A. - I very much agree with President Obama because too many tests do make school boring. Whenever there is a test everyone is groaning and not wanting the tests. In fact tests also start to stress kids at a young age. Kids are staying up all night trying to prepare for tests. They don't get enough rest or sleep which can lead to depression and insomnia. Therefore tests are not only boring but also stressful for kids and teenagers.


Joseph M. - I agree with President Obama because not all students are great at test taking. Some students may be very bright but may not be good test-takers. In my opinion, I think that tests are boring because all you do is fill in a bubble. Like the President says, all you learn is how to fill in a bubble, not the actual content. Tests may be boring, so I think that kids should be evaluated on other mediums, such as projects.
Vaishnavi D. - I agree with the article that cheating will hurt a students future. If a person cheats he/her will not know what has been thought and when they try to test them orally, they will be unable to succeed in life. But preventing cheating would be hard as many students are into it. I feel that we should stop cheating as it will hurt ourselves and it doesn't matter if you get and A or an , you should do it with your own brain.