Thursday, April 28, 2011

Special blog post: story

                  I sat in the brown woody  old desk dragging my chair into my desk.It was already halfway through second period when I was doodling off into space as Mr. Vanpelt was teaching us about explanatory prompts because of the NJ ASK coming up when I heard the loud speaker go, "May you please send Hemani Patel to the principle." My teacher, my classmates and I were shocked to here that. I had not known what I had done. Anyways I am not one of those people who get in trouble very often. As I exited Mr.Vanpelt's room my heart ponded faster and faster as the nearer I got to the principles office. All these questions started popping in my mind. What was going to happen now?

                      As I entered through the doors of the principles office as felt as if I was going to pass out. Then I heard Mr. Crouse say, " Welcome Hemani!"

                  "Hello," I replied.  I nervously and quietly listened to what Mr.Crouse  had to say to me. By the end of his converstation I was crying with tears leaking down my eyes While I barely pushed out the words" I did not do it!" The problem was that someone had gotten on to my studyisland account and wrote bad words to my teacher which made them think it was mean. Those bad words were enogh to get me a 5 day suspension.

              That night when I got home my parents had asked me if I had really done that and i said no and it was true I had not. Why would I do such a thing. Mr. Vanpelt was one of my faorite teachers. So the next day I was called down again and this time they asked me if I had done it who I think could have done it. But I know noone would do that so I just said I did not go. I went to detention for one day and then the next day they figured out that I was not the one who sent that email. It was this girl that I shall not mention.

              I was relieved.I knew it was not me and I proved to my techers I was trustworhty and I would do no such thing. So then everything went on fine and the gilr who did that was suspened for 5 days and had detention and in school suspension for 10 days. So that was a time that I had to go to the prinnciples office.

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