Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bloover Day!

Dear blog viewers,

                            This week I will tell you, about bloover day. In our school we have bloover day every last friday of the month. In our middle school thier are three teams. We have the teams rockets, stingers and knights. I am part of the knights team. AS I was saying, bloover day comes every last friday and you could wear your team attire, HHMS attire or even blue and white our school colors.

                           Then our homeroom teachers count the amount of kids wore any of tat and then at lunch we get to know who won the bloover day. You don't get anything but it is to show school spirit and that the team that won is better than any other team. This bloover day our team the knights won! I was very happy. WE allshowed team spirit and showed that we are the best team of all! GO KNIGHTS!!

                            I wish you enjoyed knowing some cool things going on in my school. If you would like to know more I am sure you could go to the HHMS middle school website.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                                    This week I will present you with some facts about diamonds. In these days those are what are new. Diamonds are very costly things and so many people buy diamond earinigs to look pretty or to even show off because of the beauty and the spark in them. Diamonds are very small, rare to find and they are also very shiny.

                                   The diamond is hardest natural rock on earth, in which that does not make it unbreakable or that it cannot be reduced in size. Diamonds have a very cool technique and that is that if you want to reduce the size of a diamond you have to keep it at very high tempertures. If you  put it too high then it may even disappear and turn into carbon dioxide.

                                  Diamonds can take a very long time to be formed as of,  they are formed within the earth's crust for a period of over a billion years. Diamonds are found within a volcanic rock that is commonly referred to as Kimberlite. Something else that is cool is that the diamond boasts of being 58 times harder than the second hardest mineral on earth which is the corundum. People have tried to cut down diamonds in many ways but we have figured that diamonds are brittle and will shatter when they are hit hard with a hammer.

                                 It is common that usually all diamonds are white but really this is not the case. Impurities give the diamonds a blue, orange, red, yellow, green or black shade. The rarest shade of diamonds would be the vivid blue, pink or green diamond. Today diamonds are commonly used as engagement rings or even as a lovely gift.

                                   I wish you enjoyed learning about diamonds. If you would like to know about diamonds more go to

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Dear  blg viewers,

                               Happy Valentine's day to all of you on the 14 of febuaury. Today as you already know I am sure of we will talk about how pecial valntine's day is. To me I personally just love Valentine's day.

                                Valentine's day is the time of the year when you share love and kindess or respect to and with your loved ones. Usaully Vlentine's day is when people like to gift with present s that are ones you canot lose. LIke a " Will you marry me!"  or an "I love you!" or even just a sweet kiss or hug. It all comes to the point when you actully matter by alot to someone.

                               Like I said before personnaly Valentine's day is just a time to love and share that love. I myself love Valentin'es day. It is a great time in the year. What about you ? Do you like Valentin'e sday. What do you think of it? And yes if you would like  to know moer about Valentin'es day go to google or just think of it from the bottom of your heart and you will understand.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                       This week I will just tell you a little bit with febuary 2 ground hogs day. This week on febuary 4 I woke up at 7:45 am and almost had a panic attack. I had realized that that was the time I usually left my house to reach my bustop to be able to catch my bus. But this time I was not even ready. AS I rushed in to the bathroom I noticed that in my parents bedroom that both my parents were sleeping. I quickly shook my mom and woke her up sreaming that "I am late for school! and you are late for work!"

                       Then my mom fimnally told me that we were off from scholl because of the sleet, hail, rian and snow outside. I was not very exicted because as for befoer I was very exicted about the snow but now I am sick of it! I am tired of staying home. My whole day went boring until I realized that it was groundhog's day! I rushed on the computer and saw that the grounghog did not see its shadow. Well the thing is the groundhog comes out on FEbuaury 2. If it sees its shadow it will run back inside and that means six more weeks of winter but if it does not see its shadow that means early spring.

                         AS I checked I realized  that the groundhog didn't see its shadow and so early spring . I was really happy but right it still does not seem like early spring. It is still freezing outside and the snow is not melting but instead freezing into ice and making it harder for early spring to come through.


                          What do you think about ground hogs day? Do you think it is cool? Tell me all about it! If you would like to know more about ground hogs day then please go to and search up ground hogs day and learn more about it!