Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blog Promt to The Giver

The year is 2026 and the world had been destroyed completely by a massive nuclear bomb. Miraculously you did not die! Write the story of your experience and what you were to do next! Explain how you would start over, the things/people you encounter, how this new world would look and function etc...

Great evrything is over now! At this point I am the only one who survive

d a nuclear bomb. I now have no parents, no food, no nothing but the pair of clothes that I am wearing right now. Despite all that has happened I actually feel happy. I am a tough girl. I'm not one of those cry girls that wants to die because she is the only one left. I am not scared nor worried. My name is Amanda. I am 12 years old and feel like I can change the world world and start it all over with my ideas. So let us begin this adventure.

Firstly let us begin with the people. The peolpe in this world would be veru kind and equal to each other. All the skin colors would be diffrent. The jobs in the communtiy would be diffrent and assigned like in the book giver but every job would be a job a person might and they would be all easy at times and difficult. The money and the houses in the family would be the same size. Nice big private hoses with personal time and space. The money would be a similar amout in each family.

Then the stores would have nice clothes, food, etc. to match all the needs of its customers. There would be no crime or enemity in the communtiy. There would also be a family unti. Each family can have up to three kids in each unit and there would be a female and a male. The grandparents would live with them or by themselves. The communtiy would be a very friendly community. If any rules are broken then just like in my favorite book the giver the peole would be released in to distopia spciety. Ouir communtiy would have color and climates. Our communtiy would be a utopia socity. That is what I am going to start beginning to buld on a few days. Till then see you later. Bye!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is a very famous scientist for many of his accomplishments and discoveries that affect our world today. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg, which we now call the German state of Baden-Württemberg. Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955 and lived up to the age of 76. The century that Albert Einstein lived in was the 21st century.
Albert Einstein studied in many areas of science. Some of the areas that Albert Einstein studied in were how science currently views time/space, energy, light and gravity. Most of Albert Einstein’s accomplishments in these areas were theories. Albert Einstein major accomplishments in how science currently views time/space were one his theory which stated “That time is not constant as is light, the faster one goes, the slower time is, even though that person does not feel it as being different”, “One practical use for this is knowing that there is a time difference the closer you get to the speed of light” and “There was a Russian cosmonaut that spent 748 days in space (roughly 2 years). That man is now 0.02 seconds younger than he would have been had he never gone to space, because of the slower time in space aboard the MIR space station. For him it doesn’t make that much of a difference, but let’s say that someone wanted to travel to Alpha Centauri, our nearest star. It would take them 5.7 earth years, however they would only age 3.8 years and return at a younger than expected age. So time it is relative, while light is constant.” That tells me that the point of his theory was that time in space is a lot slower than time on earth.
 Albert Einstein major accomplishments in energy was his theory on energy which was “Most everyone has heard of E=MC2, this is the famous equation that shows the relationship between Energy and Mass .It was once thought that Energy and mass were different, however Einstein’s theory states that Energy and Mass are merely different forms of the same thing, similar to Ice, water and gas, all are forms of liquid. Not only that Mass and Energy can be destroyed and changed into one another, as stated in the light theory above. Speed up enough and you will have a gain of mass because energy has turned into Mass. Our sun is burning up hydrogen, turning it into energy that we perceive as light. Since the source of hydrogen is not infinite, the source of light is not finite. However, we have nothing to fear for several million years.” This theory tells me that mass and energy are different and that energy can turn into mass.
Albert Einstein major accomplishments in light were that he first thought up of the "Thought Experiment" and came up with the special theory of relativity in which he stated “that light is constant, unlike the wavelike picture that the scientists of the time had thought it was. Not only that, it is not possible to travel faster than the speed of light 186,000 miles/second (300,000 Km/second). Light always travels at the same speed whether it is on the headlight of a train speeding down the tracks or the light on the lantern shining on the tracks. The light itself always travels at the same speed.” This tells me the speed of light and how it always travels at the same speed.
Lastly, Albert Einstein major accomplishments in gravity were first he added to Newton’s theory of gravitational pull by stating that “not only does the apple fall to the ground because of gravity, but earth’s orbit attracts asteroids (and other space objects) because of the "dent" the earth makes in the "fabric" of space. Thus, giving us the power to our advantage as a "parking space" for satellites in our orbit to use for our technological advantages. It has also been used to get men to and from the moon.” This tells us that gravity is not only in some places but all over. Those were some important things about Albert Einstein and his life earnings.

Blog Prompt Cha. 8


               Do you think twelve-year-olds are ready to choose their future careers? In what ways are twelve-year-olds in our society tracked ino their future careers? What Life Assignment would you like if you had to choose right now? Explain.

               I don't think twelve year old are ready to choose their future careers. I think that because as an exmaple my self. I am twelve years old and I do not feel like I am ready to choose my future career. Also because our minds are still growing to becoming more mature and responsible. I don't think we will fully choose what will come out right for us. So that when we grow up we will have a more accurate career to help us fully get a lot out of it.

                There are many ways that twelve year olds in our society tracked into their future careers. Some ways are by school, their interests, and their parents. In school techers and students learn about everyday careersa nd the real world which helps them choose their careers. They also are tracked in by their interest because when they grow up whatever career their interests match up to that is the career that they may choose. Lasty, thay are tracked in by thier parents. They are tracked in by their parents by whatever carrer that their parent may have they may choose. That is because they are encouraged when parennts talk to them about how they enjoy their careers.


The life assignment if I would have to choose now is to be a lawyer. I like to solve cases or help the people that are telling the truth recieve justice. Also my aunt is a lawyer and whenb she tells me about how much she loves it it encourages me to want to be a lawyer. This is the career I want when I grow up.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spending time with loved ones!

Dear blog viewers,

                  Have you ever liked sitting with a grandparent or elder person and listen to them tell stories about their childhood to you? This week I will tell you about how much I love sitting with my grandma and talking with her and listening to her.

                On cold winter days I loved asking to drop me at my grandma's house which was in Piscataway. Once I reached there my grandma would make hot choclate and make me warm chocalate chip cookies for me to eat. Then we would take a blanket cuddle together on the sofa and she would tell me stories of her childhood and allow me to share my thoughts as well.

               Some of the things that she has told me about were how much safer it was back then, how much cheaper it was, and how there was not as much technology. She would tell me how back then bread was about 25 to 50 cents and how gas used to be 75 cents compared to now big diffrence. Then she would also tell me how that when she was younger it was alot safer. There was less crime and kidnapping. She would play out until 10:00 she'd say. I admired listening to her stories and then watching her sigh and say but it is so diffrent now. And most commomly she would talk about how there were not as many good cars , less computers ; more typewriters. There was not email or facebook. I loved sitting with her and listening to her sweet stories. I also asked her about some stories of now and she would tell me sometimes of her bad days and sometimes of her good days. Then she would ask me. How did your day go? And I would tell her all about it. It is fun to sit down for a whie leaving everything behind to share a few momments with your loved ones.


                  If you want to know more think about yourself how great it feels to spend time with an elder person. Right here oin my blog comment back on how you feel when you sit with your grandparents and some of the memories you like  listening to of thiers.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Special blog post: story

                  I sat in the brown woody  old desk dragging my chair into my desk.It was already halfway through second period when I was doodling off into space as Mr. Vanpelt was teaching us about explanatory prompts because of the NJ ASK coming up when I heard the loud speaker go, "May you please send Hemani Patel to the principle." My teacher, my classmates and I were shocked to here that. I had not known what I had done. Anyways I am not one of those people who get in trouble very often. As I exited Mr.Vanpelt's room my heart ponded faster and faster as the nearer I got to the principles office. All these questions started popping in my mind. What was going to happen now?

                      As I entered through the doors of the principles office as felt as if I was going to pass out. Then I heard Mr. Crouse say, " Welcome Hemani!"

                  "Hello," I replied.  I nervously and quietly listened to what Mr.Crouse  had to say to me. By the end of his converstation I was crying with tears leaking down my eyes While I barely pushed out the words" I did not do it!" The problem was that someone had gotten on to my studyisland account and wrote bad words to my teacher which made them think it was mean. Those bad words were enogh to get me a 5 day suspension.

              That night when I got home my parents had asked me if I had really done that and i said no and it was true I had not. Why would I do such a thing. Mr. Vanpelt was one of my faorite teachers. So the next day I was called down again and this time they asked me if I had done it who I think could have done it. But I know noone would do that so I just said I did not go. I went to detention for one day and then the next day they figured out that I was not the one who sent that email. It was this girl that I shall not mention.

              I was relieved.I knew it was not me and I proved to my techers I was trustworhty and I would do no such thing. So then everything went on fine and the gilr who did that was suspened for 5 days and had detention and in school suspension for 10 days. So that was a time that I had to go to the prinnciples office.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Black Holes

Dear blog viewers,

                                      THis week I will tell you about black holes in our galaxy and our solsar system.
When the star ten times more massive than our own Sun, explodes (Supernova) it leaves behind the strangest phenomenon in the Universe.What could it be? Of cousre the black hole. After the explosion what is left behind is heavy core of subatomic particles,or in other words a Neutron Star. Well what is a nuetron star? Nuetron star is a very little star with an enormous density. Its interesting that one teaspoon of the NUetron star could weigh around billions of tons.


                            In space everything is time and Space. The upsetting things are that the black holes are pulling everything around them closer to the center of the hole. It makes sense that the black holes are creators of the galaxies since they are pulling planets and stars towards the spiral center. Each galaxy has a Black Hole and occasionally galaxies collide together because of the gravitational pull from the larger black holes. It is expected that in 5 billion years Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky Way galaxy. Lucily I on the other hand will not be aliive when that happens. What do you think about black holes. Do you like them or not? If you want to know more about black holes then go to

Praying Mantis vs. Humans

Dear blog viewers,
                               This week I will describe to you some similarities and diffrences between us and a praying mantis. But before that I will tell you a little about a Praying Mantis. A Praying Mantis is a master of disguise whicch helps him hide or camaphlouge from his prey or his predator. AS praying Mntis is also carnivorous insect with a very colorful appetite.One interesting fact about a Praying Mantis is that they can turn thier heads up to 180 degrees in search for an insect.  They can do that because they have a triangular shaped head.  A Praying mantis has excellent eye sight and can see up to 18 meters (60 feet) away. Isnt't that alot! Their average lifespan is around 12 months or in other words a year.

                              Some of the diffrences between a Praying Mantis and us humans are a Praying Mantis can disquise itself to find its prey but we on the other hand as large as we are can not. Another diffrence is that we can not turn our heads 180 degrees just like the  Praying Mantis. We can only turn our heads 90 degrees. Also a Praying Mantis can only see up to 60 feet. We can see up to way more than that. And lasty, a Prayig Mantis's lifespan is only 12months or a year but our lifespan is about between 70 - 80 years. One similarity between a Parying Mantis and us is that many of us are meat eaters or carnivores and so are Praing Mantis's. Those were some facts and similarities and diffrences between us and a Praying Mantis.
If you would like to know more about a Praying Mantis then please go to

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Dear blog viewers,
                                   This week I will tell you about these unknown creatures known as earwigs. I was very shocked when I came across hti s creature because of the fact that the creature is not a very common creature to be familiar with. Earwigs are very small creatures. As you might wonder why were they called earwigs. Well they were called earwigs because back then it was believed that they climbed into people's ears and then they layed their eggs or tunnel into the brain. but soon enough it was researched and proven that t, that fact was not true. Earwigs did climb into your ears but instead erawigs like to dig tunnels and live many feet undergorungb to avoid the cold weather.

                                   Now I will tell you about some of the  intstincts of the Earwigs. Earwigs have two penises also known most likely as two tentacles.Usually tentacles are not very long but it seems that an earwigs peises are bigger than itsbody. But it gets eeven better. An earwig does not need both of its tentacles so they can snap them off. What do you think of a earwig? Have you ever seen on? Did you know about an earwig before I told you? If you want to know more about earwigs then go to

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Test and Cheaters

Dear blog viewers,

                                     This week I am going to tell about how president Obama says that tests make school boring. Just like president Obama says it is true that tests do make school boring. And as one of the affects cheaters come along. Cheaters cheat because of thier fear of getting a bad grade on a test. by cheating cheaters only cheat themselves because of no learning anything and cheating. If you scrool down you will see mine and many of my fellow classmates responses to both thse articles. If you want to know more about both of the articles then go to and Tell me about your opinion about these articles. What do you think? 

Me - I agree with this article because as this article states it is true that many kids think they do better when they cheat because they get a good grade. But actually they do not learn anything. Also cheating just makes you more tempted to not try to do things on your own because you trust others anwsers to get you good grades.

Erin S. - I agree that cheating is wrong. Teachers can't stop what happens at home when they see the answers to a homework or test because one kid was absent when they took the test or missed homework. Teachers can stop it in class i have seen it happen. It is true when it says that your only hurting yourself because if you don't know the information how do you know it wont show up on another test or pop quiz. heating is wrong.

Rishika P. - Honestly, I am very surprised that research had to be done for some people to understand this reality of life. For all those scientific people, follow cause and effect! If you cheat, you are cheating yourself by not feeding your brain with the information it needs! You are simply taking the answers for the grade. When people expect you to be a person of good education, they will hire you into a reputed company. At that job, you will try to keep up at a level you are NOT at because you decided to cheat and not understand. Just like the saying says, "Give a man a fish and more...

Sara A. - I very much agree with President Obama because too many tests do make school boring. Whenever there is a test everyone is groaning and not wanting the tests. In fact tests also start to stress kids at a young age. Kids are staying up all night trying to prepare for tests. They don't get enough rest or sleep which can lead to depression and insomnia. Therefore tests are not only boring but also stressful for kids and teenagers.


Joseph M. - I agree with President Obama because not all students are great at test taking. Some students may be very bright but may not be good test-takers. In my opinion, I think that tests are boring because all you do is fill in a bubble. Like the President says, all you learn is how to fill in a bubble, not the actual content. Tests may be boring, so I think that kids should be evaluated on other mediums, such as projects.
Vaishnavi D. - I agree with the article that cheating will hurt a students future. If a person cheats he/her will not know what has been thought and when they try to test them orally, they will be unable to succeed in life. But preventing cheating would be hard as many students are into it. I feel that we should stop cheating as it will hurt ourselves and it doesn't matter if you get and A or an , you should do it with your own brain.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                             This week I am here to tell you the uniqe power of spring. Spring is a very beatiful blossoming season. Not too hot, but not too cold, just perfect. Spring starts in the Northern Hemisphere and is indicated by vernal equinox which occurs on March 20 or 21. Te Southern Hemisphere sees it as the beginning of autumn because they are on the opposite side of us and so they ahve the opposite season. Just as some of us learned in Mr. Lothian's science class the spring and autumn eqinox take place at the same time. Spring for most of the people signifies the hope and search for new meaning in life. To me as well.

                             I think spring is the time of flowers blooming and the bess buzzing, and everything appearing bringing the right weather. Here is a wonderful poem about spring!

For winter's rains and ruins are over,
And all the season of snows and sins;
The days dividing lover and lover,
The light that loses, the night that wins;
And time remembered is grief forgotten,
And frosts are slain and flowers begotten,
And in green underwood and cover
Blossom by blossom the spring begins.

Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough. 

                           If you would like to knoq more about spring then go to or

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                             This past  week that I am sure you remenber included Thursday, March 17, 2011, Saint Patricks Day. Everyone one belives St. Patricks Day as a fun jolly day that everyone wheres green on. The myth of this day is if you find a four leaf clover you are proved to be veery lucky as well as if you see a rainbow and you follow it to the end you will find a leprechaun you will be able to steal its pot of gold. Along with that myth there is alos a true meaning to St. Patricks Day! St. Patricks Day also comes from the Irish or in other words Ireland.

                            The actual meaning of Saint Patricks Day is that the name saint Patricks Day comes from Saint Patrick the patron saint. He was the national apostle of Ireland who is credited with bringing christianity to Ireland.  Patrick died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, on March 17, 460 A. D. Saint Patrick's Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, shamrocks and luck. Most importantly, to those who celebrate its intended meaning, St. Patrick's Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide. So that is the real meaning of Saint Patricks Day. We on the other hand, celebrate it in our own way which includes the myths we believe in.

I f you would like to know more about the actual meaning about Saint Patricks Day, then go to What do you think about the real meaning of ST. Patricks Day. What do you prefer better, our myths or the actual ST. Patricks Day!!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Resumes, Coverletters and Application

Dear blog viewers,

            Should kids at school have to write a resume, coverletter and an application in order to take elective classes?  There are two options. Yes! or No! Each answer has wrong and rights to it.

Ex. Resume


          No! Why should kids have to write an resume a coverletter and also have to fill in an application for elective classes.  As of now kids are still too little to be having to write an resume , a coverletter and apllication for electives. And neither is it fair for kids that like one type of elective alot and because of the fact that their resume and the coverletter and application are bad so they can not get the elective anymore. Not fair some would oppose to!  As of now the kids should have the right to choose what they want because if they do not like a certian elective and are forced to learn it they are not going to put any effort into it. But if they have the right to get the elective that they want they will be able to learn from it, enjoy it maybe later on in life actaully use it. That is what some would oppose to . A no! But there are also many that would oppose to a yes!

 Ex. Application


                   Yes! Why shouldn't kids have to write a resume, coverletter and an applicatin to fill out for elective classes. People may think kids are still too little  but if you think about it wisely actaully they are not. They are reaching to the age where they have to start being mature and taking on responsibily, and also taking wise decisions.  It is not fair how the kids who actually work hard in school and get all a's pick an elective and because of the fact that they randomly put you in an elective that you do not get what you want and a dumb person who picked the same elective as you derserves it. If they do have to write a resume, a coverletter and fill in an application then you would be the one to deserve being in the elective you choose but not the other person because your resume was better than thet persons. So you should have to write all that.  Like I said there are many ways a person can oppose to if they tried.

  Ex. Coverletter                        

                 What do you think about this arguement. Comment back on what you think.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dear blog viewers,

         This week I will tell you how people oppose to the question should we have single session classes or not? What do kids prefer? Having to leran with a single - gender group or like they do now with a mix of both genders? All kids have diffrent views to this quetion. Some would say A mix of both genders where others may say a single - gender group.


                                             Of cousre some kids would say. Having the kids study and work together in a single - gender group will allow them to work together more cooperatedly because as to say most girls have the same thoughts as other girls and also many boys as well have similar thoghts to smoe boys. As to say where if there were mixed gender groups they would not understand each other as well. Also gilrs and boys may also have a difficult time working together because uslaay boys are faster than girls so it changes the way most things may work. For example, if there was a race and it was mixed boys and girls then it may lead to a fight in the groyp that one may say you made the group lose because boys and ils both have diffrent speeds. Also according to the article it states that test scores have gone up by seperating mixed genders.
 So like I stated before there are many ways to give rights and wrongs to both opinions. As of my opinion I think that  we should work in single - gender groups because it will cause less fights and more concentration and cooperation.


                                             Mixed genders is the best way to help kids learn better and work together. Exactly why?  Well if they work together in mixed groups evn though they have diffrent tastes they may try new things like if boys like basketball and a boy told the girls how fun it is some girls may even try it. Working togetther will help them get used to getting along which may help them later in life. Boys and girls may fight at first and then soon realize to stop fighting and work together. Also by working together they can combine both tastes and make something ecellent out of it. Everyone has diffrent opinions and those pinions will effect on behalf of how opposing it is. In my opinion I think we should work with mixed genders because it may help to understand that you will be working with them in the future. What do you think about this question?


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bloover Day!

Dear blog viewers,

                            This week I will tell you, about bloover day. In our school we have bloover day every last friday of the month. In our middle school thier are three teams. We have the teams rockets, stingers and knights. I am part of the knights team. AS I was saying, bloover day comes every last friday and you could wear your team attire, HHMS attire or even blue and white our school colors.

                           Then our homeroom teachers count the amount of kids wore any of tat and then at lunch we get to know who won the bloover day. You don't get anything but it is to show school spirit and that the team that won is better than any other team. This bloover day our team the knights won! I was very happy. WE allshowed team spirit and showed that we are the best team of all! GO KNIGHTS!!

                            I wish you enjoyed knowing some cool things going on in my school. If you would like to know more I am sure you could go to the HHMS middle school website.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                                    This week I will present you with some facts about diamonds. In these days those are what are new. Diamonds are very costly things and so many people buy diamond earinigs to look pretty or to even show off because of the beauty and the spark in them. Diamonds are very small, rare to find and they are also very shiny.

                                   The diamond is hardest natural rock on earth, in which that does not make it unbreakable or that it cannot be reduced in size. Diamonds have a very cool technique and that is that if you want to reduce the size of a diamond you have to keep it at very high tempertures. If you  put it too high then it may even disappear and turn into carbon dioxide.

                                  Diamonds can take a very long time to be formed as of,  they are formed within the earth's crust for a period of over a billion years. Diamonds are found within a volcanic rock that is commonly referred to as Kimberlite. Something else that is cool is that the diamond boasts of being 58 times harder than the second hardest mineral on earth which is the corundum. People have tried to cut down diamonds in many ways but we have figured that diamonds are brittle and will shatter when they are hit hard with a hammer.

                                 It is common that usually all diamonds are white but really this is not the case. Impurities give the diamonds a blue, orange, red, yellow, green or black shade. The rarest shade of diamonds would be the vivid blue, pink or green diamond. Today diamonds are commonly used as engagement rings or even as a lovely gift.

                                   I wish you enjoyed learning about diamonds. If you would like to know about diamonds more go to

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Dear  blg viewers,

                               Happy Valentine's day to all of you on the 14 of febuaury. Today as you already know I am sure of we will talk about how pecial valntine's day is. To me I personally just love Valentine's day.

                                Valentine's day is the time of the year when you share love and kindess or respect to and with your loved ones. Usaully Vlentine's day is when people like to gift with present s that are ones you canot lose. LIke a " Will you marry me!"  or an "I love you!" or even just a sweet kiss or hug. It all comes to the point when you actully matter by alot to someone.

                               Like I said before personnaly Valentine's day is just a time to love and share that love. I myself love Valentin'es day. It is a great time in the year. What about you ? Do you like Valentin'e sday. What do you think of it? And yes if you would like  to know moer about Valentin'es day go to google or just think of it from the bottom of your heart and you will understand.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                       This week I will just tell you a little bit with febuary 2 ground hogs day. This week on febuary 4 I woke up at 7:45 am and almost had a panic attack. I had realized that that was the time I usually left my house to reach my bustop to be able to catch my bus. But this time I was not even ready. AS I rushed in to the bathroom I noticed that in my parents bedroom that both my parents were sleeping. I quickly shook my mom and woke her up sreaming that "I am late for school! and you are late for work!"

                       Then my mom fimnally told me that we were off from scholl because of the sleet, hail, rian and snow outside. I was not very exicted because as for befoer I was very exicted about the snow but now I am sick of it! I am tired of staying home. My whole day went boring until I realized that it was groundhog's day! I rushed on the computer and saw that the grounghog did not see its shadow. Well the thing is the groundhog comes out on FEbuaury 2. If it sees its shadow it will run back inside and that means six more weeks of winter but if it does not see its shadow that means early spring.

                         AS I checked I realized  that the groundhog didn't see its shadow and so early spring . I was really happy but right it still does not seem like early spring. It is still freezing outside and the snow is not melting but instead freezing into ice and making it harder for early spring to come through.


                          What do you think about ground hogs day? Do you think it is cool? Tell me all about it! If you would like to know more about ground hogs day then please go to and search up ground hogs day and learn more about it!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                     This week I will present to you some facts about facebook. I am pretty sure you all know what facebook is because in the current day almost everything relies on facebook. Shoping and grocery stores are all booked on it and the rest of the world including most children and teens are on it twenty- four seven.

                     Facebook was first invented by a harvord student named Mark Zukerbuirg. What we now call Facebook, facebook was first called TheFaceBook. Facebook at first was only avalible to kids that were at harvord but then soon it went through all the universities and reached here to eveyone chatting on facebook.

                   Facebook is not only used to chat with other people but also use it for sources like when we go on to facebook to check out a grocery store's facebook page. Most likely facebook is used to chatt with friends and family even acroos the woorl or next door to you. Facebook may not be important but when you think about it half the people live on it.

                  As in opinion it is a greaat place for people to communicate with you. I like facebook and also have an facebook account of my own. I think you should get a facebook account if you do not have one. It is a cool source. What you do think about facebook? Do you like it? You have a facebook account or nto? Tell me what you think about facebook.


                         If you would like to konw more about facebook look it up or youcan even go to or or

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                   This week I will present you with the planet Jupitar. Like I explained to you with Saturn that I am syre you know a little bit about Jupitar but I will tell you way more than you already know so stay ready to learn about jupitar.

                    Jupitar is named after the Roman god Zues in Germany. Jupitar is the fifth planet away from the sun and it is also a gas planet in which that is why it is entirely made of gas. Jupitars gravity is very strong. Anything that passes it, it pulls into its orbit. Also because it is so big you can see it without even using a teloscope.

                   Jupitar has 63 moons. Jupitar has the fastest spinning orbit in all of the solor system. Because of that one day on Jupitar lasts 10 hours. And Lastly Jupitar is the second brightest after Venus.  Did you knw evrything that I told you about Jupitar? Did I miss anything? Any quetions?


                       If you would like to know more about jupitar then please go to


Dear blog viewers,

                 This week I som,thing pretty interesting and cool. Can you believe a tiger and a lion equal a liger. Have you ever heard a liger. Looks preety interesting huh.........

             When a female tigera nd a man lion breed we get a liger the largest of all felines.  A liger is big like a lion but it has big teetha and stripes like a tiger.  A liger also weighs 700 pounds and up to 10 feet long. But ligers have been around since world war II but have gone into extinction or captivity. Ligers can also swim very well like tigers.

          Hmm how do I feel about a liger. I think a liger a is a preety cool animal to the fact it is part of a lion and a tiger making it more stronger that anything. What do you think about a liger? Do you think it is cool? Do you not like it? Tell me your opinion.


                         If you would like to know more about ligers please got to


Dear blog viewers,

                   This week I will present to you with how once there was life on mars. I am sure you know a little bit of it but not all so I will tell you  all.

                   Mars is the second planet away from the moon. It has the largest volcano and the largest canyon which is called Valles Marines which is 2,500 mlies long. Mars has 2 moons and it is believed to say that one of its moons Poblo will crash ito it and because of all the debris there might have been a formed ring around mars.

                    NASA has sent lots of missions onto mars but none have retrived any more information then what was already there. There once had been life on Mars and it was found from the lines that must show ice deposits and form the samles in 2004. They also say that because of some ancient living things still found thier. Do you think that life existed on mars? Why or why not?

                                    If you would like to know more about mars then do please go to


Dear blog viewers,

                             This week I shall present to you some information about moom bears.  have you ever heard of a moon bear? I am preety sure not so I will tell you all about them.

                            Moon bears are Aiastaic black beras which are called moon bears because of the cresent moon on thier chest. Thier weights vary from one hundred and ten pounds to four hundred fifty pounds.They are four to six feet tall and because of thier awesome claaws they are able to climb trees fast and also swim.

                           Moon bears usually live in the forest ranges from Pakistan to Japan. They also can sleep in trees and make dens to sleep in a cave.  The cool thing about a moon bear is that it can make frequent sounds like huff and puff to communicate.  What did you like to know about the moon bear? Did you think it was an interesting animal?


                  If you would like to know more about moon bears go to

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

               This week I will present to you with a little bit about Saturn. I am sure you know a little bit about the planets but not alot. So this week that is why I am only explaining to you more about Saturn. I surely wish you do Actually learn somthing from this.

              The density of Saturn is 0.687 grams per cubic centimeter. with that density I am sure Saturn can float on water if it wanted to. Saturn has 60 moons and lots of rings that fade away and form new ones. Saturn day is 10 hours and 25 minutes long unlike ours which is approxiemtly 24 hours. Saturn's revolution is 30 earth yers long.

              The diameter of Saturn is 120,000 miles 11 times the diameter of earth. Saturn is the sixth planet away from the sun and it is the second largest planet in the solar system. It is mostly made of gas in which that is why it is called a gas giant. Saturn was named after a roman god. Saturn is 980 million miles away from the sun.


                  If you have any questions about Saturn then do ask.  If you would like to know more go to


Dear blog viewers,

               This week I will present to you a little bit about toucans. I an sure you know a little bit about them but like I like to say always try to know morethan you already know soas you will leran more about toucans I will as well.

               A toucan is a brightly colored bird that usually is most commonly found in rain forests.  The toucan varies in many differnt sizes and briht colors. Some of the colors a toucan might come in are blue, red, yellow,orange, etc. and the sizes of 14 through 30 inches.  The cool feature of  the toucan is its long bill. The bill is not tough and strong but it helps find food and protect the toucan. The toucan hasfour big clawws. Two in the back and two in the front. The toucan is an omnivore. It eats friuts and plants butnit also feeds on insects. The toucan female usually lays 3 to 4 eggs.


                 Do you know something about toucans that I did not tell you please tell me! if you would like to know more about toucans then go to


Dear blog viewers,

                This week I will present you with some shocking news about women being banned from marathon. How did that happen? When did it happen? I will tell you all about it.

                 Okay when I was on the internet on Staurday morning looking for somthing to write about on my blog I came acroos a very tiny article that stated that once in America's history women were not alloweded to run marathon's.  Could that have been possible ? Oh yes! In 1926 women wre banned to running marathons because thay thought it caused infelity. Hmmm then why do women run in marathon's today? well in 1963 a women named Violet Percy ran a marathon to show that it was not true. But the cool part was that another women ran a maraothon in 1923 for 11 hours and 35 minutes.

               What do you think about this? Do you think it was fair of  them to ban women from running marathon's?  As to me I think not fair because we have the same ability to do whatever we can just like boys/men. If you would like to know more about this event then please go to


Dear blog viwers,

                    This week I will present you with carnivorous caterpillars.  We have always thought of  caterpillars as good insects but is it true that they are as bad as well. Well we will see about that!

                     There are many diffrent types of caterpillars in natyre but only one percent of the caterpillars are canivoruos. That is which a good thing for us. Many carnivoruos are meat eaters. But what exactly do they eat. They eat ants and spiders and many other insects. There are also those carnivorous caterpillars that first start off eating plants but then tthey switch to eating insects.  But how do they catch thier prey? Well they se certain smells and camoflaige to catch thier prey. These are also called killer caterpillars.


As in my opinion I don't like having carnivorous caterpillars here. I feel that we were good with just our loving little caterpillars that turned into butterflies. How do you feel about these carnivorous caterpillars? Do you they will affect our wold or harm it?  If you would like to know more informatiom about canivorous caterpillars then please go to

Monday, January 17, 2011


Dear blog viewers,

                This week I will present to you with some information about a wolf spider.  I have never heard of it and I am sure you have not either so you will gte to know about them and so will I. Hope you like it!

                Wolf Spiders are the most common spider found easily in the gardens and homes. The wolf spiders got their name wolf spider because they catch prey the same way a wolf does. They do not make a web for themselves  but they instead decide to live underground. Some common characteristics of the wolf spider are that they are of about one to two inches of length, and they are quite brisk and rush quickly on the ground. as in the color the color of the male wolf  spider is darker than the female wolf spider. The wolf spiders have eight legs, eyes to look in front and two pairs of medium sized eyes placed on the top to see upwards and at the back of their eyes a disc is located that enables them to see at night. that is preety coll!

               When it comes to hunting for the wolf spiders either stalk their prey or attack them suddenly. They first learn of their prey through their movement on the ground or the buzzing of their wings and then they attack. A female spider carries almost hundred of eggs in a sac and exposes them to sunlight also. When the eggs hatch the spider lings catch a hair on the mother's body and stay this way for a week and then disperse.
                That was a little info about wolf spiders. But if you would like to know more go to


Dear blog viwers,

                    Today I have somthing special for you. Have you ever heard of a coelacanth fish. It is one of the most unique fishes in the world. Well I am sure you will like it.  Its somthing i am sure you have never heard of.

                     The Coelacanth is one of the most interesting types of fish in the world. This fish comes from how this fish was believed to have been extinct for a long period of time. The history of the fish is very strong and over the years. The Coelacanth is unique in that it was discovered in the twentieth century despite how it was though was  to be extinct. In the late 1900's people in Africa were catching fish with a net when they dicovered this fish that they never knew of. So they took in to the museum and figured that this matched the remains of a coelacanth and that now it had been rediscovered.

                   The physical build of this fish makes it very unique. The vertebral column on the fish is not completely developed and it also has paired lobed fins that move like human limbs and an additional lobe on its tail. This helps for the fish to do what a standard fish cannot do. But, it is actually the intercranial joint on the fish that makes it unique. This joint is one that separates the ear and brain from the fish's eyes and nasal organs. This works to allow the fish to lift its head up when swimming or feeding. More like us humans! The Coelacanth can grow to become 2m long and 100kg in weight.

                     If you would like to learn more please go to