Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blog Promt to The Giver

The year is 2026 and the world had been destroyed completely by a massive nuclear bomb. Miraculously you did not die! Write the story of your experience and what you were to do next! Explain how you would start over, the things/people you encounter, how this new world would look and function etc...

Great evrything is over now! At this point I am the only one who survive

d a nuclear bomb. I now have no parents, no food, no nothing but the pair of clothes that I am wearing right now. Despite all that has happened I actually feel happy. I am a tough girl. I'm not one of those cry girls that wants to die because she is the only one left. I am not scared nor worried. My name is Amanda. I am 12 years old and feel like I can change the world world and start it all over with my ideas. So let us begin this adventure.

Firstly let us begin with the people. The peolpe in this world would be veru kind and equal to each other. All the skin colors would be diffrent. The jobs in the communtiy would be diffrent and assigned like in the book giver but every job would be a job a person might and they would be all easy at times and difficult. The money and the houses in the family would be the same size. Nice big private hoses with personal time and space. The money would be a similar amout in each family.

Then the stores would have nice clothes, food, etc. to match all the needs of its customers. There would be no crime or enemity in the communtiy. There would also be a family unti. Each family can have up to three kids in each unit and there would be a female and a male. The grandparents would live with them or by themselves. The communtiy would be a very friendly community. If any rules are broken then just like in my favorite book the giver the peole would be released in to distopia spciety. Ouir communtiy would have color and climates. Our communtiy would be a utopia socity. That is what I am going to start beginning to buld on a few days. Till then see you later. Bye!!!!!!!!!

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