Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spending time with loved ones!

Dear blog viewers,

                  Have you ever liked sitting with a grandparent or elder person and listen to them tell stories about their childhood to you? This week I will tell you about how much I love sitting with my grandma and talking with her and listening to her.

                On cold winter days I loved asking to drop me at my grandma's house which was in Piscataway. Once I reached there my grandma would make hot choclate and make me warm chocalate chip cookies for me to eat. Then we would take a blanket cuddle together on the sofa and she would tell me stories of her childhood and allow me to share my thoughts as well.

               Some of the things that she has told me about were how much safer it was back then, how much cheaper it was, and how there was not as much technology. She would tell me how back then bread was about 25 to 50 cents and how gas used to be 75 cents compared to now big diffrence. Then she would also tell me how that when she was younger it was alot safer. There was less crime and kidnapping. She would play out until 10:00 she'd say. I admired listening to her stories and then watching her sigh and say but it is so diffrent now. And most commomly she would talk about how there were not as many good cars , less computers ; more typewriters. There was not email or facebook. I loved sitting with her and listening to her sweet stories. I also asked her about some stories of now and she would tell me sometimes of her bad days and sometimes of her good days. Then she would ask me. How did your day go? And I would tell her all about it. It is fun to sit down for a whie leaving everything behind to share a few momments with your loved ones.


                  If you want to know more think about yourself how great it feels to spend time with an elder person. Right here oin my blog comment back on how you feel when you sit with your grandparents and some of the memories you like  listening to of thiers.

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