Sunday, April 10, 2011


Dear blog viewers,
                                   This week I will tell you about these unknown creatures known as earwigs. I was very shocked when I came across hti s creature because of the fact that the creature is not a very common creature to be familiar with. Earwigs are very small creatures. As you might wonder why were they called earwigs. Well they were called earwigs because back then it was believed that they climbed into people's ears and then they layed their eggs or tunnel into the brain. but soon enough it was researched and proven that t, that fact was not true. Earwigs did climb into your ears but instead erawigs like to dig tunnels and live many feet undergorungb to avoid the cold weather.

                                   Now I will tell you about some of the  intstincts of the Earwigs. Earwigs have two penises also known most likely as two tentacles.Usually tentacles are not very long but it seems that an earwigs peises are bigger than itsbody. But it gets eeven better. An earwig does not need both of its tentacles so they can snap them off. What do you think of a earwig? Have you ever seen on? Did you know about an earwig before I told you? If you want to know more about earwigs then go to

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