Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blog Promt to The Giver

The year is 2026 and the world had been destroyed completely by a massive nuclear bomb. Miraculously you did not die! Write the story of your experience and what you were to do next! Explain how you would start over, the things/people you encounter, how this new world would look and function etc...

Great evrything is over now! At this point I am the only one who survive

d a nuclear bomb. I now have no parents, no food, no nothing but the pair of clothes that I am wearing right now. Despite all that has happened I actually feel happy. I am a tough girl. I'm not one of those cry girls that wants to die because she is the only one left. I am not scared nor worried. My name is Amanda. I am 12 years old and feel like I can change the world world and start it all over with my ideas. So let us begin this adventure.

Firstly let us begin with the people. The peolpe in this world would be veru kind and equal to each other. All the skin colors would be diffrent. The jobs in the communtiy would be diffrent and assigned like in the book giver but every job would be a job a person might and they would be all easy at times and difficult. The money and the houses in the family would be the same size. Nice big private hoses with personal time and space. The money would be a similar amout in each family.

Then the stores would have nice clothes, food, etc. to match all the needs of its customers. There would be no crime or enemity in the communtiy. There would also be a family unti. Each family can have up to three kids in each unit and there would be a female and a male. The grandparents would live with them or by themselves. The communtiy would be a very friendly community. If any rules are broken then just like in my favorite book the giver the peole would be released in to distopia spciety. Ouir communtiy would have color and climates. Our communtiy would be a utopia socity. That is what I am going to start beginning to buld on a few days. Till then see you later. Bye!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is a very famous scientist for many of his accomplishments and discoveries that affect our world today. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg, which we now call the German state of Baden-Württemberg. Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955 and lived up to the age of 76. The century that Albert Einstein lived in was the 21st century.
Albert Einstein studied in many areas of science. Some of the areas that Albert Einstein studied in were how science currently views time/space, energy, light and gravity. Most of Albert Einstein’s accomplishments in these areas were theories. Albert Einstein major accomplishments in how science currently views time/space were one his theory which stated “That time is not constant as is light, the faster one goes, the slower time is, even though that person does not feel it as being different”, “One practical use for this is knowing that there is a time difference the closer you get to the speed of light” and “There was a Russian cosmonaut that spent 748 days in space (roughly 2 years). That man is now 0.02 seconds younger than he would have been had he never gone to space, because of the slower time in space aboard the MIR space station. For him it doesn’t make that much of a difference, but let’s say that someone wanted to travel to Alpha Centauri, our nearest star. It would take them 5.7 earth years, however they would only age 3.8 years and return at a younger than expected age. So time it is relative, while light is constant.” That tells me that the point of his theory was that time in space is a lot slower than time on earth.
 Albert Einstein major accomplishments in energy was his theory on energy which was “Most everyone has heard of E=MC2, this is the famous equation that shows the relationship between Energy and Mass .It was once thought that Energy and mass were different, however Einstein’s theory states that Energy and Mass are merely different forms of the same thing, similar to Ice, water and gas, all are forms of liquid. Not only that Mass and Energy can be destroyed and changed into one another, as stated in the light theory above. Speed up enough and you will have a gain of mass because energy has turned into Mass. Our sun is burning up hydrogen, turning it into energy that we perceive as light. Since the source of hydrogen is not infinite, the source of light is not finite. However, we have nothing to fear for several million years.” This theory tells me that mass and energy are different and that energy can turn into mass.
Albert Einstein major accomplishments in light were that he first thought up of the "Thought Experiment" and came up with the special theory of relativity in which he stated “that light is constant, unlike the wavelike picture that the scientists of the time had thought it was. Not only that, it is not possible to travel faster than the speed of light 186,000 miles/second (300,000 Km/second). Light always travels at the same speed whether it is on the headlight of a train speeding down the tracks or the light on the lantern shining on the tracks. The light itself always travels at the same speed.” This tells me the speed of light and how it always travels at the same speed.
Lastly, Albert Einstein major accomplishments in gravity were first he added to Newton’s theory of gravitational pull by stating that “not only does the apple fall to the ground because of gravity, but earth’s orbit attracts asteroids (and other space objects) because of the "dent" the earth makes in the "fabric" of space. Thus, giving us the power to our advantage as a "parking space" for satellites in our orbit to use for our technological advantages. It has also been used to get men to and from the moon.” This tells us that gravity is not only in some places but all over. Those were some important things about Albert Einstein and his life earnings.

Blog Prompt Cha. 8


               Do you think twelve-year-olds are ready to choose their future careers? In what ways are twelve-year-olds in our society tracked ino their future careers? What Life Assignment would you like if you had to choose right now? Explain.

               I don't think twelve year old are ready to choose their future careers. I think that because as an exmaple my self. I am twelve years old and I do not feel like I am ready to choose my future career. Also because our minds are still growing to becoming more mature and responsible. I don't think we will fully choose what will come out right for us. So that when we grow up we will have a more accurate career to help us fully get a lot out of it.

                There are many ways that twelve year olds in our society tracked into their future careers. Some ways are by school, their interests, and their parents. In school techers and students learn about everyday careersa nd the real world which helps them choose their careers. They also are tracked in by their interest because when they grow up whatever career their interests match up to that is the career that they may choose. Lasty, thay are tracked in by thier parents. They are tracked in by their parents by whatever carrer that their parent may have they may choose. That is because they are encouraged when parennts talk to them about how they enjoy their careers.


The life assignment if I would have to choose now is to be a lawyer. I like to solve cases or help the people that are telling the truth recieve justice. Also my aunt is a lawyer and whenb she tells me about how much she loves it it encourages me to want to be a lawyer. This is the career I want when I grow up.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spending time with loved ones!

Dear blog viewers,

                  Have you ever liked sitting with a grandparent or elder person and listen to them tell stories about their childhood to you? This week I will tell you about how much I love sitting with my grandma and talking with her and listening to her.

                On cold winter days I loved asking to drop me at my grandma's house which was in Piscataway. Once I reached there my grandma would make hot choclate and make me warm chocalate chip cookies for me to eat. Then we would take a blanket cuddle together on the sofa and she would tell me stories of her childhood and allow me to share my thoughts as well.

               Some of the things that she has told me about were how much safer it was back then, how much cheaper it was, and how there was not as much technology. She would tell me how back then bread was about 25 to 50 cents and how gas used to be 75 cents compared to now big diffrence. Then she would also tell me how that when she was younger it was alot safer. There was less crime and kidnapping. She would play out until 10:00 she'd say. I admired listening to her stories and then watching her sigh and say but it is so diffrent now. And most commomly she would talk about how there were not as many good cars , less computers ; more typewriters. There was not email or facebook. I loved sitting with her and listening to her sweet stories. I also asked her about some stories of now and she would tell me sometimes of her bad days and sometimes of her good days. Then she would ask me. How did your day go? And I would tell her all about it. It is fun to sit down for a whie leaving everything behind to share a few momments with your loved ones.


                  If you want to know more think about yourself how great it feels to spend time with an elder person. Right here oin my blog comment back on how you feel when you sit with your grandparents and some of the memories you like  listening to of thiers.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Special blog post: story

                  I sat in the brown woody  old desk dragging my chair into my desk.It was already halfway through second period when I was doodling off into space as Mr. Vanpelt was teaching us about explanatory prompts because of the NJ ASK coming up when I heard the loud speaker go, "May you please send Hemani Patel to the principle." My teacher, my classmates and I were shocked to here that. I had not known what I had done. Anyways I am not one of those people who get in trouble very often. As I exited Mr.Vanpelt's room my heart ponded faster and faster as the nearer I got to the principles office. All these questions started popping in my mind. What was going to happen now?

                      As I entered through the doors of the principles office as felt as if I was going to pass out. Then I heard Mr. Crouse say, " Welcome Hemani!"

                  "Hello," I replied.  I nervously and quietly listened to what Mr.Crouse  had to say to me. By the end of his converstation I was crying with tears leaking down my eyes While I barely pushed out the words" I did not do it!" The problem was that someone had gotten on to my studyisland account and wrote bad words to my teacher which made them think it was mean. Those bad words were enogh to get me a 5 day suspension.

              That night when I got home my parents had asked me if I had really done that and i said no and it was true I had not. Why would I do such a thing. Mr. Vanpelt was one of my faorite teachers. So the next day I was called down again and this time they asked me if I had done it who I think could have done it. But I know noone would do that so I just said I did not go. I went to detention for one day and then the next day they figured out that I was not the one who sent that email. It was this girl that I shall not mention.

              I was relieved.I knew it was not me and I proved to my techers I was trustworhty and I would do no such thing. So then everything went on fine and the gilr who did that was suspened for 5 days and had detention and in school suspension for 10 days. So that was a time that I had to go to the prinnciples office.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Black Holes

Dear blog viewers,

                                      THis week I will tell you about black holes in our galaxy and our solsar system.
When the star ten times more massive than our own Sun, explodes (Supernova) it leaves behind the strangest phenomenon in the Universe.What could it be? Of cousre the black hole. After the explosion what is left behind is heavy core of subatomic particles,or in other words a Neutron Star. Well what is a nuetron star? Nuetron star is a very little star with an enormous density. Its interesting that one teaspoon of the NUetron star could weigh around billions of tons.


                            In space everything is time and Space. The upsetting things are that the black holes are pulling everything around them closer to the center of the hole. It makes sense that the black holes are creators of the galaxies since they are pulling planets and stars towards the spiral center. Each galaxy has a Black Hole and occasionally galaxies collide together because of the gravitational pull from the larger black holes. It is expected that in 5 billion years Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky Way galaxy. Lucily I on the other hand will not be aliive when that happens. What do you think about black holes. Do you like them or not? If you want to know more about black holes then go to

Praying Mantis vs. Humans

Dear blog viewers,
                               This week I will describe to you some similarities and diffrences between us and a praying mantis. But before that I will tell you a little about a Praying Mantis. A Praying Mantis is a master of disguise whicch helps him hide or camaphlouge from his prey or his predator. AS praying Mntis is also carnivorous insect with a very colorful appetite.One interesting fact about a Praying Mantis is that they can turn thier heads up to 180 degrees in search for an insect.  They can do that because they have a triangular shaped head.  A Praying mantis has excellent eye sight and can see up to 18 meters (60 feet) away. Isnt't that alot! Their average lifespan is around 12 months or in other words a year.

                              Some of the diffrences between a Praying Mantis and us humans are a Praying Mantis can disquise itself to find its prey but we on the other hand as large as we are can not. Another diffrence is that we can not turn our heads 180 degrees just like the  Praying Mantis. We can only turn our heads 90 degrees. Also a Praying Mantis can only see up to 60 feet. We can see up to way more than that. And lasty, a Prayig Mantis's lifespan is only 12months or a year but our lifespan is about between 70 - 80 years. One similarity between a Parying Mantis and us is that many of us are meat eaters or carnivores and so are Praing Mantis's. Those were some facts and similarities and diffrences between us and a Praying Mantis.
If you would like to know more about a Praying Mantis then please go to